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Moscow Polytech

Dissertation Council D 212.365.03

05.25.03 – Library Science, Bibliography, Bibliology (historical sciences, philological sciences) (the Council Membership was approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on August 03, 2018, No. 32/NK)

Chairman of the Dissertation Council

Vladimir I. Vasyliev

Scientific Secretary of the Dissertation Council

Polina V. Kozlenko

Sadovo-Spasskaya St, 6


Dissertation Council D 212.356.02

05.04.02 - Thermal Engines (technical sciences), 05.05.03 - Wheeled and Caterpillar Machines (technical sciences) (the Council Membership approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on October 20, 2017 No. 1014/NK)

Chairman of the Dissertation Council

Valeriy M. Fomin

Scientific Secretary of the Dissertation Council

Nikolay A. Khripach


Leading Engineer
Irina M. Ivashchenko
+7 499 976-46-25
Prianishnikova St, 2A, room 1228.
B. Semenovskaya St, 38, room B-402 (Wednesdays only)


The basic normative documents:

- The decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 24.09.2013 No.842 (issue of 29.05.2017) “On the procedure of awarding academic degrees” (in Russian);

- The order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia of 13.01.2014 No. 7 “On approval of the Regulations on the council for presentation of dissertations seeking a scientific degree of a candidate of sciences, seeking a scientific degree of a doctor of sciences” (in Russian);

- GOST 7.0.11-2011 on preparation of the dissertation and the summary thesis (in Russian);

- The order on the primary activity No. 0593-OD of 07.07.2017 “On processing of the conclusion made by an organization” (in Russian);

- The order on the primary activity No. 0584-OD of 06.07.2017 “On how dissertations should be placed on the Internet” (in Russian).








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Dissertation Councils



